books 📚 on fintech

Books 📚 on Fintech

  1. Fintech, Small Business & the American Dream: How Technology Is Transforming Lending and Shaping a New Era of Small Business Opportunity

    • This book chronicles the journey of financial innovation from the perspective of these small businesses.
  2. Fintech Founders Inspiring Tales from the Entrepreneurs that are Changing Finance

    • interviews from 75 FinTech entrepreneurs who talk about their journeys, challenges, mistakes etc.
    • best part is that these companies are not giants but rather at a size that can actually benefit you if you are just starting out.
  3. Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy―and How to Make Them Work for You

    • platform economy - building networking on a platform

