01. reading list

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2024 List

    • Modern nationalism in northeastern Europe has often led to violence and then reconciliation between nations with bloody pasts. In this fascinating book, Timothy Snyder traces the emergence of Polish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Belarusian nationhood over four centuries, discusses various atrocities (including the first account of the massive Ukrainian-Polish ethnic cleansings of the 1940s), and examines Poland's recent successful negotiations with its newly independent Eastern neighbors, as it has channeled national interest toward peace.
    • Mann's novel shares a depth of philosophical and intellectual exploration similar to Kundera's works. The story is set in a Swiss sanatorium and follows the protagonist, Hans Castorp, as he becomes immersed in the microcosm of pre-World War I Europe.
    • seminal work in the Theatre of the Absurd, and it grapples with existential themes in a stark, minimalist setting.
    • This is another Hrabal classic that follows the story of a hotel waiter whose ambition and love of women lead him on a journey through various upheavals of European History
    • reflecting the absurdity and complexity of life.

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